What's Left of Maplewood (MN)

We can't draw, so we are left with verbal cartoons about Maplewood city politics.

Friday, August 04, 2006

"Rebecca Cave (Cunnien)"?

In the elections of the last year, why did Rebecca Cave appear as "Rebecca Cave (Cunnien)"? She doesn't appear that way on the City's website today.

Someone recently told me that Cunnien is her maiden name, and that her father threw a lot of weight (and maybe money?) around helping get her elected, particularly leaning on people in her church to get out the vote (something not all of them were happy about). This is all hearsay, but the inclusion of her maiden name on the ballot corroborates the idea – people who knew they were supposed to vote for "Mr. Cunnien's daughter" would be able to spot her on the ballot in spite of her married name.

Erik Hjelle recently wrote, "Previously, Maplewood was controlled by a few powerful families that have now lost their control." Do we now have a new "powerful family" with its own puppet installed?

What does anyone know about the Cunnien family and their interests? Share your tips in the comments.


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