Spelling Test
Can someone show me how to spell referendum? No, not with letters. Lets try it with numbers.
I think it is spelled this way...
2340 and 2222 vs 941 and 793.
Rebecca & Delray, you need to study harder!
I think it is spelled this way...
2340 and 2222 vs 941 and 793.
Rebecca & Delray, you need to study harder!
At 12:56 PM,
otto said…
Whoo Who
So does the Council get to fire Copeland the same day they take the oath, or do they have to wait a few meetings? Obviously they need to get elected first, but the voters have spoken.
How much more pay does he get once they axe him and send him back to the unemployment line where he belongs?
At 4:39 PM,
:) said…
Hello Frostbite or John Nephew, we all are aware of your "secret identity" If this is the best you can do you guys are in trouble. Half the community did not go out and vote so you DFL backed calling campaign and you and Will and your negative campaigning only goes so far
Keep up the good work, good will prevail over evil
At 4:45 PM,
:) said…
Hello Frostbite, or should I say Mr. Nephew,,,,,,cute
At 5:06 PM,
Frostbrand said…
For those who are new to this blogging thing, I'd like to take a moment to remind you that you can look at the bottom of an entry, to where it says "Posted by...," to see who is the author of the posting.
So for example, while I'm delighted by your greetings and thoughtful commentary, you should understand that you are replying to LookingNorth's post, not one of mine.
Remember to read the fine print, whether it's a campaign finance law or a blog posting, and it will save you much trouble! :)
At 5:58 PM,
Kevin said…
You know, it's not a "secret identity" when he announced who he was here on this very blog.
At 6:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
FireFighter Cave says half the city did not vote. Well actually it was more like 85% did not vote. But it is interesting to note that IN the special election that Ms. Cave won their were less poeple voting than in this primary the vote gap betwwen winner and loser was much, much smaller and Diana and company claimed that as a mandate. It is nice to see a big increase in voters. In the 2003 primary only 2194 people voted. And in this election Will's vote total was 2340, well over 100 more than all the poeple who voted in the 2003 primary. Rebbeca in that primary had only 796 votes I would have thought with over 1400 more poeple voting she would have done more than the 941 votes that she got this time. So Rebbecca got 150 more votes and the other 1250 poeple voted for Will and John. When you look at what John an dWill got in this primary the total were high enough to have gotten them elected in the Regular General elction in 2003
Now I have not heard John or Will claim that there is a mandate and I hope no does claim that 2340 to 941 and 2222 to 793 is a mandate, because it really isn't. It's just a nice starting number to work off of for winning the General eletion. After all I would think most poeple would rather be in the position of getting only 1000 more mores to win an elction than 2100 votes that Rebbecca needs.
At 7:35 PM,
LookingNorth said…
With regard to your "secret identity" idea FFCave, John does not have an alter-ego called Looking North. I am a different person. I can assure you, John would not want to be me. It's an ugly life!
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
firefightercave was spewing his/her idiocy on Rossbach's website too. He/she didn't make much sense there either. Sounds like a poor loser to me.
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