What's Left of Maplewood (MN)

We can't draw, so we are left with verbal cartoons about Maplewood city politics.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Where will all the applicants line up?

(click for a larger image)

Crystal has 28 sworn officers.
Police Chief salary range $79-97,000.

Maplewood has 52 sworn officers.
Police Chief's boss's salary range: to $85,000.


  • At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will only say this much...

    As a Maplewood city employee, there is no way that he's going to be able to fill the other two positions for any less than 6 figures.

    And, by the way, be nice to the employees, especially the mid-level ones. We don't need any more hostility brought toward us than we already endure. We provide a high level of service to our residents. It's difficult enough that those that employ us (and are attempting to micromanage us) give us very little support for our efforts let alone the residents.

    You have some good people working for you. Treat them well.

  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger Frostbrand said…

    You're right.

    One of the things that I find so distasteful about this council majority is the way they constantly try to turn the citizens against the city staff. Whenever something good happens, they are quick to take credit; when a citizen has a complaint or something goes wrong, then the "old guard" staff is held up for blame.

  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wonder what kind of loser they are going to pull out of the closet to fill this job? Nobody who is qualified for this is going to work for this kind of money. Of course, qualifications, as we've seen, is not a pre-requisite for city employment. If, by some chance, they are planning on actually finding somebody of substance for this job, they are going to have as much trouble filling this spot as they are filling the finance/whatever job they have open.

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    As the current Rule Monitor, I had to think about anonymous 1:49 for a while. I approved it so I could respond to it. Qualifications ARE a pre-requisite for city employment. That is what makes it so infuriating when that rule is ignored. I can only think of one example of that.

    Anonymous 1:49 makes me think about the reception anyone who takes one of the new management layer jobs ought to get. Easy enough for us rabblerousers to see them as losers, but people we care about have to go to work at city hall every day.


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